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Adolescents or adults, young or old — we are all part of a natural cycle, but how exactly we undergo this aging process depends on factors related to our lifestyle, genetics, and environment. So, if you have a healthy lifestyle, trying to keep yourself in shape by exercise and diet, yet genetics and environment still weigh you down (more precisely, your chin), we are here for you! 

CoolSculpting is our FDA-approved, safe, and efficient treatment of choice for reducing chin fat (also called submental fat) at VIPS. If you want to eliminate your double chin and its adverse aesthetic effects on your youthful, sculpted, and radiant profile, keep reading this article! Time for you to find out what CoolSculpting is, how it works, if it is appropriate for double chin treatment, and if you are a good candidate for it! 


What is CoolSculpting and How Does It Eliminate Fat Cells?

Very few cosmetic treatments rival CoolSculpting’s popularity in non-surgical fat reduction! Patients who are at their healthy weight, but wrestle with stubborn fat pockets despite a healthy diet and exercise, flock to this non-invasive procedure. They choose the fat-freezing approach over other fat reduction approaches without fearing serious side effects or surgical pain and downtime— various needs and diverse goals, but one beloved path: CoolSculpting!


How Does Fat Freezing Work?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive cosmetic approach to body and facial contouring by fat reduction through cryolipolysis (i.e., fat-freezing technology). By gently targeting and freezing specific fat pockets, CoolSculpting can eliminate 20-25% of fat cells per treatment cycle for a better sculpted and more defined look.


Can I Use CoolSculpting for My Double Chin?

When one has worked hard in the gym and kept a strict calorie-deficit diet but fails to see any significant fat loss in a specific area, we are justified to think that genetics play a crucial role in body fat distribution. 

Unfortunately, many of our patients are predisposed to fat storage in the submental area (i.e., under the chin), and losing weight seems to be useless to them. If you find yourself in this puzzling situation, we bring you good news: you don’t have to lose weight because CoolSculpting can target and remove your “double chin!”

CoolSculpting treatment has been approved for nine areas of the body, from the thighs or abdomen to the troublesome chin area. Your facial contour can benefit from CoolSculpting treatment by reducing those sagging skin/fat pockets that create the infamous “double chin.”


Am I the Right Candidate for CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss treatment but still comes as a solution for patients struggling with genetically predisposed fat storage in a particular area (including the chin area) who’ve unsuccessfully tried diet and exercise. Thus, the suitable candidates are at their ideal weight. 

In addition, patients with particular skin conditions are not good candidates because CoolSculpting is a treatment aiming to destroy fat cells by exposing the treated area to very low temperatures, which can be dangerous for skin health in some cases.      


What Does the CoolSculpting for Double Chin Entail?

CoolSculpting is a treatment adaptable to various body areas, such as:

  • Lower chin
  • Abdomen
  • “Love handles”
  • “Banana rolls”
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Thighs

Since the lower chin is a small treatment area, our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon at VIPS, Dr. William J. Vinyard, MD, FACS, uses a unique CoolSculpting applicator after applying a gel pad destined to protect the skin from the effects of exposure to very low temperature. 

Immediately, the CoolSculpting applicator starts to suction and cool the treated area. For the first five minutes, most patients experience a slight discomfort. But don’t worry; your skin will soon go numb for the rest of the treatment session! 

During the cooling treatment, 20-25% of fat cells freeze, triggering a natural mechanism that starts to get rid of them for the weeks following the procedure. Once the cooling treatment is over, you will receive a deep massage to help your body remove excess fat. And you’re done; you can return home!

Most patients experience some minor side effects, such as:

  • Mild localized pain
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Redness (only for 20-30 minutes after the procedure)
  • Increased sensitivity

Over the next three months, your body will gradually bring the stunning CoolSculpting results to light!


Chin CoolSculpting Before and After

Many patients benefited from CoolSculpting’s rejuvenation power, and their chin aesthetics significantly improved after undergoing our fat-freezing treatment at VIPS. Here are the results: 

chin coolsculpting (1)

How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need?

CoolSculpting treatment is designed to respond to various needs and goals. For some people, a 20-25% fat reduction might be enough to get rid of a “double chin.” Others, however, might need multiple CoolSculpting treatment sessions to achieve their aesthetic goals, and they can do it one month after the first treatment session. For most patients, two CoolSculpting treatment sessions are enough to achieve optimal results.


How Long Will the Final Results Last?

The simple answer is yes — the final results are permanent. The complex answer is yes — the final results can be permanent, but you must follow a healthy lifestyle. Although the fat cells that were killed during your CoolSculpting treatment will never return, other fat cells will remain in place. So don’t give up exercise, don’t give up diet, stay away from significant weight gain, and you’ll maintain your final results!


How Much Will CoolSculpting for Double Chin Cost?

CoolSculpting treatment costs vary depending on the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired results and on the treated area — how large it is, how difficult it is to treat, etc. During an initial consultation, our expert team at VIPS, led by our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon at VIPS, Dr. William J. Vinyard, MD, FACS, can provide additional details about the CoolSculpting treatment price.


Dr. Vinyard is Ready to Treat Your Double Chin With CoolSculpting!

Contact us to schedule a personal consultation with us, or call (772) 362-3357 to find out the next steps in your CoolSculpting journey! Our office at 291 NW Peacock Blvd, Suite 103, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, proudly serves the South Florida area! We also invite you to check out our blog page, Facebook, and Instagram to learn more about the treatment options available at our office!

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