Smooth to the touch

Laser hair removal is one of the most common cosmetic treatments in the United States. It is a convenient option for the long-term reduction of hair follicles on the body and face. This procedure frequently leaves the skin looking and feeling smoother and produces long-lasting results compared to other methods. Cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. William Vinyard at Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery in Port Saint Lucie, FL, performs safe and fast laser hair removal treatments for women and men in frequently needed areas, including the arms, legs, back, face, chest, underarms, and the intimate regions.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of laser light to target and destroy hair follicles, effectively reducing or eliminating hair growth in the treated area. This non-invasive technique is commonly used to achieve long-term hair reduction on various parts of the body, offering a more convenient and lasting alternative to traditional methods like shaving or waxing. Laser hair removal can be customized to suit different skin types and hair colors. Multiple sessions are typically required for optimal results.

What a great experience I had with laser hair removal. Dr. Vinyard explains everything before the procedure is done; the staff was very professional and fun. The procedure was literally 15 minutes, start to finish, on my armpits! Wow! Going to do my bikini next visit. No more shaving; can’t wait! Very reasonably priced too!


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Who is a candidate?

Reducing hair follicle growth with a laser is a gentle process suitable for most patients. In your consultation, you will discuss your needs, concerns, and goals to help determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Ideal patients for laser hair removal:

  • Have unwanted facial or body hair
  • Are tired of other hair removal methods (shaving, waxing, depilatory creams, bleaching)
  • Have darker hair with lighter skin
  • Are in overall good health
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Laser Hair Removal Before & After

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Your consultation

During your laser hair removal consultation with Dr. Vinyard, you can anticipate a thorough evaluation of your hair removal needs. Dr. Vinyard will meticulously assess the density and location of unwanted hair, considering your overall health and aesthetic objectives. He will discuss the treatment options and craft a customized plan to address your needs, including how many sessions you need to obtain your desired results. Following your consultation, our patient care coordinator will provide a detailed cost estimate based on your personalized treatment plan.

What is the technique?

At your laser hair removal appointment, you can relax in one of our treatment rooms as the needed areas of your skin are cleaned to remove dirt, oil, and moisturizers. During laser hair removal, a technician will stretch out the skin to provide a direct path between the root of the hair follicle and the laser. The laser's energy will target and disable the hair follicle, which stops it from growing back. Usually, you will need 6-8 sessions over a period of 4-6 weeks to see your ideal results.

Your appointments will be spaced out in order to allow the treated areas time to recover. This also allows time for hair follicles in the dormant growth phase to reach the active growth phase so they can be treated. The state-of-the-art technology we use at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery can target the hair follicle alone to preserve the skin in the treated area.

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What to expect

While the treatment is relatively gentle, your skin may feel like it has a light sunburn since lasers are used. After your session, you will be free to resume your daily activities, but you should refrain from heavy activity or lengthy exposure to the sun for 24 hours to let the treated areas heal. When you get home after your appointment, we recommend anti-inflammatory creams or cold packs to treat any discomfort.

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How much does laser hair removal cost?

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Why do I need multiple laser hair removal sessions?

Does laser hair removal hurt?

Which laser is best to remove hair?

How much does laser hair removal cost?

Getting laser hair removal will vary in cost, depending on the size and number of areas being treated and how many treatment sessions you will need to attain a smooth result. To help you understand the benefits of laser hair removal, consider the time and energy you put into waxing, shaving, or other temporary hair removal methods. This is why laser hair removal is generally cheaper and will save you time and energy in the long run. Your technician will create a treatment plan that includes the total number of sessions we suggest and prices.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Considered an effective treatment, laser hair removal produces long-lasting results. While patients can enjoy the benefits of the treatment for a long time, laser hair removal is considered semi-permanent because some follicles may be unaffected. Regardless, patients find most of the hair will not grow anymore after their treatment plan is finished, and even if a few hairs pop up, it is effortless to manage. Additional laser hair removal treatments can also be scheduled to take care of any stragglers or new growth.

Why do I need multiple laser hair removal sessions?

Your hair growth occurs in cycles. While some hair follicles are in a live growing phase, others are dormant. Since each hair follicle grows in various stages, multiple sessions are suggested to target each follicle when it is active. Getting your sessions over several weeks will help you experience effective results and smoother skin.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

The laser hair removal process may cause mild discomfort but isn't considered too painful. Most patients may feel a slight sting when the laser targets and removes the hair follicle. Patients who are used to getting waxed report that laser hair removal causes much less discomfort than a waxing session.

Which laser is best to remove hair?

There are many great lasers to choose from. VIPS uses cutting-edge hair removal technology for women and men of most hair colors and types. The laser we invested in delivers excellent results, and we continue to upgrade our practice as newer lasers enter the marketplace. We encourage you to ask us about our laser system during your consultation.

Why choose VIPS?

Discover why the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery is renowned as South Florida's premier Makeover Destination. Our AAAA-certified VIPS Surgery Center, under the guidance of the esteemed "Makeover Master" Dr. William Vinyard, places high importance on safety, cutting-edge technologies, and patient-centered care, setting a new standard for excellence.

Dr. Vinyard, an esteemed authority with over a decade of expertise in transformative cosmetic enhancements, brings an artistic touch to each procedure, even serenading patients with their favorite country songs to ease their nerves.

This warm, family-like atmosphere defines the VIPS experience, celebrated by numerous delighted patients and an abundance of 5-star reviews. Join the Vinyard-VIPS family today and embark on your own celebrated journey of transformation.

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Rid yourself of razors.

If you're tired of wasting energy, time, and money on bleaching, plucking, shaving, and waxing, schedule a consultation to learn more about laser hair removal treatments at VIPS in Port Saint Lucie, FL. Laser hair removal by Dr. Vinyard can help you get smoother skin by treating unwanted follicles on the face and body. Whether you're from Palm Beach, Fort Pierce, or beyond, our laser hair removal services offer a convenient and lasting solution to unwanted hair.

The VIPS Difference

  • International Recognition: Artistry, Compassion and Skills
  • Revolutionary Approach: Customized Makeovers
  • Excellence Multiplied: A Team of Aesthetic Experts Mentored by The Makeover Master
  • Signature Medspa: Exceptional Treatments & Elite Products
  • Quad A Distinction: Luxury Private Surgery Center
  • Coveted VIPS Experience: Quality, Comfort & Real Connections
  • Expect the Exceptional: Consistently Redefining ‘Exceeding Expectations’
  • Beyond a Single Procedure: Crafting Lifelong Aesthetic Relationships
  • Exclusive Access: Why Our Unique Process Requires Patient Selection

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