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The influx of lipo choices which are less intrusive therapies is one of the most noteworthy advances to happen over the past few years.

We in the medical community take pride in supplying our patients with groundbreaking procedures, which ensuring that are scientifically proven to be reliable. That's why we're thrilled to discuss BodyTite today: a minimally invasive fat reduction and skin tightening therapy.

BodyTite is an optimal choice for patients that hope to eliminate stubborn fat pockets which keep hanging in there even though they exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy, balanced diet. What's quite exciting is that BodyTite results are equivalent to those of patients undergoing surgical treatment, although the procedure only requires a small cut.

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite creates heat (utilizing radiofrequency power) to both loosen fat and tighten skin in the treatment location.

Making use of a technique called RFAL (radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis), BodyTite sucks the melted fat with a little probe which is inserted through a very small laceration in the area. As the doctor moves the probe guiding radiofrequency energy to the fat, the upper part of the device generates warmth on the skin's surface area. This heat promotes the generation of new collagen, in turn, encouraging the growth of smoother, tighter skin.

Heat promotes the generation of new collagen, in turn, encouraging the growth of smoother, tighter skin.

What Happens During The BodyTite Procedure?

The procedure is executed under local anesthesia, rather than general anesthetic which can influence your heart rate or blood pressure. With BodyTite, patients remain awake while experiencing little to no sensation of pain.

The BodyTite treatment firms and tightens the area. The removed fat does not return, ensuring a lasting outcome. Though there might be side-effects including bruising, swelling, sensitivity, redness, or temporarily uneven skin, clients can typically return to normal activities within 2-3 days. If you have further questions about the BodyTite procedure, contact our office, and we would be glad to help answer them!

close up of woman stomach

Advantages of BodyTite?

#1: No large cut. Unlike liposuction, BodyTite only requires a single small incision, so there is no scarring and healing takes a much shorter amount of time.

#2: Smoother looking skin. Once the skin has healed, it tends to be smoother and more even looking than with other fat loss procedures, such as liposuction surgery.

#3: Better contraction of skin. One of the benefits of BodyTite is that it not only eliminates the excess fat underneath the skin, but also tightens the skin to ensure the overall area looks more youthful.

#4: Only requires topical anesthesia, rather than general anesthesia. Instead of taking risks with general anesthesia, topical anesthesia allows you to be awake and aware during the entire procedure, without having to experience any pain.

#5: Faster recovery than liposuction. Rather than a long delayed surgical recovery, BodyTite allows you to return to work and your daily activities after only 2-3 days of recovery.

How Much Does BodyTite Cost?

The typical cost of a BODYtite procedure is $5,000. Your exact price will depend on the size and number of the areas you want treated.

Your plastic surgeon likely offers payment plans and your insurance might be willing to cover a portion of the cost. Contact our office today to find out if you’re eligible for a payment plan.

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Is BodyTite The Right Choice For Me?

The majority of clients who come in for body contouring treatments are already in fairly good condition. They work out and watch what they eat, but are particularly concerned with specific body locations that still have stubborn, excess fat.

Often these patients intend to shed a few pounds, but it’s essential to bear in mind that BodyTite isn't a weight-loss procedure. BodyTite’s best use is to smooth specific locations, including: the upper legs, buttocks, back, arms, abdomen and flanks (love handles).

BodyTite smooths areas such as: the upper legs, buttocks, back, arms, abdomen and love handles.

Once you schedule a consultation, Dr. Vinyard will review your concerns with you to help determine if BodyTite is the best option for your body.

close up of woman stomach

What Are The Differences Between BodyTite and Liposuction?

Standard liposuction is a medical alternative for fat decrease (which requires a much longer healing time than BodyTite: the less intrusive treatment). Liposuction surgery suctions stubborn fat from the body and is far more versatile than BodyTite, however, patients might have loose skin remaining after the liposuction procedures.

Because BodyTite includes a skin tightening portion it is frequently a better option. Unlike standard liposuction surgery, BodyTite arm lifts leave no marks. No scars, no pain, and nearly no recovery, BodyTite is an exceptional option for men and women looking to remove that extra stubborn fat which just won’t go away.

BodyTite leaves no marks: the painless arm lift is finally here!

Utilizing BodyTite To Address Arm Fat

Arm fat is a particular concern for females, which increases as they age. Weight variations, age, and genetics frequently trigger your arms and armpit areas to gather fat, excess skin, and develop that saggy appearance. Typical arm lift surgical procedures (brachioplasty) used to be the only option readily available to women to get rid of sagging arm areas.

Utilizing BodyTite, your arms can be reshaped and given a toned, younger appearance. Introduced by Invasix, BodyTite makes use of RadioFrequency Assisted Lipo (RFAL) technology to easily melt recurring deposits of fat that are safely and painlessly removed. BodyTite can remove those stubborn excess skin and fat pockets between the underarm and elbow. With no scars, the painless arm lift is finally here!

BodyTite is backed by celebrities, the FDA, and plastic surgeons around the globe.

There is no question that the BodyTite scarless arm lift is an innovative procedure (its proven advantages will certainly encourage more women to try it!) and the world will soon be filled with far more perfectly well-contoured arms.

An excellent option, BodyTite is backed by celebrities, and also extensively preferred over liposuction surgeries for its delightfully minimally invasive, FDA authorized, and risk-free procedure. Contact our office today to learn more about BodyTite and receive a free consultation!

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