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CoolSculpting® Elite has ‘hit the shelves’ in March of 2021, and this upgraded version of the traditional CoolSculpting® Legacy is already making waves. With plastic surgeons already rushing to add this new device to their body-contouring arsenal, many would-be patients are feeling the temptation of trying this ‘new kid on the block’ themselves. However, some patients might not help but wonder: “What’s the CoolSculpting® Elite craze all about?” and “What can CoolSculpting® Elite do for my aesthetic goals?” 

CoolSculpting® Elite at VIPS

Here at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery, part of our mission is to use our knowledge and expertise with the purpose of creating a strong, well-informed community of patients, who, instead of searching through every shady corner of the Internet, will have all the required information before choosing the ideal treatment for their aesthetic goals. 

The second and equally important part of our work is to keep in touch with what’s new and superior on the plastic surgery market, always striving to provide the best and safest experience for our patients. For that reason, Dr. William J. Vinyard, MD, FACS was the first, on the Treasure Coast of Florida, to add the new CoolSculpting® Elite device to his array of body-contouring tools without any signs of hesitation.

However, the “What’s the CoolSculpting® Elite craze all about?” question is still looking for our answer, so we’ve decided to bring forth the wonders of this fantastic device by discussing its most impressive stats. From treatment times and areas to the percentage of fat reduction, CoolSculpting® Elite is sure to amaze you right from the start. It’s hip. It’s cool. It’s CoolSculpting® Elite!

#1: A Decade of Scientific Improvements

Akin to every scientific field, research is what drives plastic surgery forward, and CoolSculpting® Elite is here to prove this without a doubt. After more than a decade of continuous research and development, CoolSculpting® Elite represents the crown jewel of body-contouring devices. With its elegant, more compact design, more compact system (up to 30% lighter than the previous CoolSculpting® system), and superior freezing technology, CoolSculpting® Elite is here to pick up where CoolSculpting® Legacy, its predecessor, left off.

#2: Versatility in Treatment Areas

It’s natural to believe that a specific treatment might sound too good to apply to your aesthetic goals. However, CoolSculpting® Elite is here to prove you otherwise! This FDA-approved device helps patients remove annoying fatty tissue from nine different treatment areas, such as:

      • The male chest
      • The chin/neck area
      • The abdomen
      • Arms
      • “Love handles” (on the sides of the waist) 
      • Bra rolls
      • “Banana rolls” (underneath the buttocks) 
      • Inner thighs
      • Outer thighs

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#3: CoolSculpting® Elite? Better Make It ‘DualSculpting® Elite’

The new CoolSculpting® Elite device comes not with one but with two applicators, i.e., the devices that freeze unwanted fatty tissue in the treatment area. As if superior technology and treatment versatility weren’t enough, CoolSculpting® Elite manages to cut treatment times in half for patients who look towards treating two separate areas simultaneously. As such, after a 45-minute session, you can return to your daily schedule or spend time with your loved ones without any social downtime.

#4: 18% More Skin Surface

When it comes to the applicators, there’s strength not only in numbers but also in technology. Different from its predecessor, who used a U-shaped applicator, CoolSculpting® Elite employs two C-shaped applicators. The new design complements the body’s natural curves, translating into 18% more skin surface and more fatty tissue removed in the same treatment time. Basically, you receive extra CoolSculpting® with no additional costs.

#5: Superior Fat Reduction

More applicators, more skin surface, more… that’s right, more fat reduction! With its dual applicators and improved applicator design, CoolSculpting® Elite reaches and freezes more of the unwanted fatty tissue, resulting in superior body contouring results. While the amount of fatty tissue that is being removed differs from one patient to another, plastic surgeons have reported a 20-25% increase in fat reduction compared to its CoolSculpting® Legacy predecessor.

#6: Cost-Effectiveness at Its Peak

With so many benefits and improvements compared to its predecessor, expecting an increase in pricing for CoolSculpting® Elite would be more than natural. However, is that really the case? What if CoolSculpting® Elite could both deliver such fantastic results and help you save money?

Based on the American Society of Plastic Surgery reports, the price for an average CoolSculpting® Legacy treatment cycle went anywhere between $700-$1400 per treatment cycle. However, since CoolSculpting® Legacy delivers solid results after two treatment cycles, patients could end up spending almost $3000 for a single treatment area.

Here at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery, we’re happy to tell you that CoolSculpting® Elite outdid its predecessor by bringing the price for a treatment cycle as low as $400, allowing you to enjoy double the number of treatment areas with no added costs.

CoolSculpting® Elite takes body contouring to the next level.

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The time has come for you to join the future of body contouring with CoolSculpting® Elite! Our medical team, led by Dr. Vinyard, is more than ready to guide you towards a superior body contour and improved confidence and self-esteem. Ready to learn more about CoolSculpting® Elite? Make sure that you schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Vinyard today.

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